Artem Fedyay: PhBME Department


2010 — ...

I am working at the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics as an assintant lecturer, as well as at the Research Institute of Applied Electronics as a junior research fellow (half-time).

Member of ІЕЕE.

Author of 13 publications and 2 textbooks.

Ph.D. in solid state electronics


Finished Post-Graduate Department of NTUU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (speciality: "solid state electronics").
Started to work as a full-time assistant lecturer at Physical and Biomedical electronics Dept.

2007 — 2009

Years of study as a Ph.D. Student.
Work at the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics as an assistant lecturer (half-time job).

Working as a junior research fellow (half-time job) at the Research Institute of Applied Electronics, I was engaged in the researches as follows:

→ «Investigation of the novel nanoscaled semiconductor structutes and devices for fabrication approaching» (Research 2012-p);

→ «Investigation of the novel semiconductor nanodevices and nanocomponents of the integral curcuits, based on 1D and 2D quantum structures» (Research № 2244-п);

→ «Investigation of submicron and nanoscaled structures, composed of prospective semiconductor materials» (Reseach № F25.4/241).


Graduated at the Department of physical and biomdical electronics, qualified as a "Master of electronics".
Entering Post-Graduate Department of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".


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